Thursday, June 30, 2011

sneak peak : my favourite space of my house is the working area

Nylon Magazine Booth @ Love Garage In the Park! February 15th 2011 June 10th, 2011

The brief was aiming to presented the street-style, the rough-ness, and the edgy-ness of Nylon Magazine, as if they are now trying to actualize themselves in the world of hip. So we try to incorporated that by brougt out some industrial taste to the design. Using steel scaffolding as the main frame was tricky. But if it succeeded, that would take the concept we brought go even further. We think the outputs were pretty aaaamaaaziiinggg! Even me got shocked. And as usual, every element from furniture, lighting, and neon-sign using a sustainable design approach.

words by iqra firdausy

Monday, June 27, 2011

design ID exhibition

Involving every infrastructure of national interior design field, became the first international event that introducing interior design forum to general public. The objectives of this event are inviting public to get involved in the strategic forum for establishing integrated business network between educational, profession, industry, and government at large. Another aspect is promoting the industry’s potential for the improvement of Indonesia.
“Labyrinth Of Diversity” is an exhibition which is part of the whole series of 4-days event presented by Aptidati & HDII. The main concept is to bring diversity as an integral tool for every infrastructure in interior design. It can be seen from variety of styles and forms offered by the designers. {IQ} is one of them! 

room by room exhibition

An exhibition of 15 chambers of idea by young interior & product designers. Held in Jakarta 11-31 October 2010; at Alun Alun Indonesia, Grand Indonesia Shopping Town Level 3. Presented by Aptidati & Alun Alun Indonesia. Media Partner by Living ETC & FOLD magazine.
Our exhibition brought the spirit of collaboration on sustainable design. We picked the theme “lifecycle”. Every product that we showed off during exhibition was trying to add back the life cycle of used object into functional yet well-designed product. Material and production process were considered in detail to obtain contemporary and industrial output but remain environmentally friendly.

words by iqra firdausy